Time and Date
Past Time
Convert Time Span
Multiplicate and Divide Time
Periods per Time Span
Add Multiple Time Data
Minutes to Time
Time Sections
Add / Subtract Days to a Date
Resolve Times
Ratio of two Time Values
Rule of Three with Time Values
Between two Times of Day
Time per Time
Regular Intervals
Percent of a Time Span
Time Percentage
Add and Subtract Percent
Percent Growth per Time
Mean Value
Time Zones
Summer Time
a.m., p.m. - 24h
Lesson Length
Months, Years
Million Seconds
Decimal Time Values
Date Format
World Time
Military Time
Daytime One Unit
Until midnight
Convert Time Units
Calculate the Middle of Two Times
Calculator for the time that is exactly in the middle of two times of day. From time 1 to the middle it is just as long as from the middle to time 2. If time 2 is before time 1, then it is calculated as if time 2 is already the next day, the same applies if both times are the same. For the length of the time span between the times, see the calculator for the time between two times.
Simple examples for better understanding: in the middle between 8:00 and 10:00 is 9:00. In the middle between 10:00 and 8:00 is 21:00, because there are exactly 11 hours from 10:00 to 21:00 and from 21:00 to 8:00. Here the middle can still be calculated easily without any tools.
If things get more complicated, then a calculator like this is helpful. For example, if you want to know the middle between 14:47 and 6:23, you will have a hard time doing the math in your head. The corresponding time is 22:35.
The middle between two times plays a role in sleep research, for example, where the term mid-sleep is used. If you sleep from 22:30. to 6:15, then the middle of sleep, i.e. the midpoint of sleep duration, is reached at exactly 2:22 and 30 seconds.
You can use the corresponding buttons to calculate with the current time in line 1 or line 2. You can continue calculating with the result using the next two buttons. If you want to find the time of a quarter of a duration, you can first calculate the middle, then press "Middle in line 2" and then calculate the middle again. For the time of three quarters, you do the same, but with "Middle in line 1". By pressing "Swap times 1 and 2" you can compare the two middle points of the times, or correct a possible confusion.
Time and Date Calculators
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