
Calculate Regular Intervals of Time

A calculator for equal time spans of a day, e.g. wenn something has to be done regularly several times a day. Enter the number of points in time and the first and last point of the day. The points in time will be calculated to the second in a way so that all have the same time span between. Minutes and seconds doesn't have to be entered.

Time of dayhoursminutesseconds
First point: : :
Last point: : :
Number of points in time:

Interval: : :

Points in time:

Example: you have to take a medication 5 times a day in regular intervals between 8 and 20 o'clock. The points in time are 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20 o'clock. The interval between two points is 3 hours each.

Time and Date Calculators

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