
Wind Rose - Calculate the Angles of a Compass

Calculation of angles of cardinal, intercardinal and other directions when rotating a wind rose (compass rose). Normally, the North is indicated at 0°, East at 90°, South at 180° and West at 270°, the directions between have values between. Press Standard to show these values. For 16 directions, between two neighboring values, there are 22.5°. If one direction is rotated for a certain number of degrees, then the others will shift for the same value. This can be calculated here. Enter one value, all the others will be calculated. The wind rose graphics will also rotate accordingly.

Wind rose, Compass rose

Angle N: °
Angle NNE: °
Angle NE: °
Angle ENE: °
Angle E: °
Angle ESE: °
Angle SE: °
Angle SSE: °
Angle S: °
Angle SSW: °
Angle SW: °
Angle WSW: °
Angle W: °
Angle WNW: °
Angle NW: °
Angle NNW: °
