
Calculate Calorie Consumption while Cycling

A calculator for the calories burned when cycling at a certain heart rate. Of course, the frequency changes frequently while riding a bicycle. Here you should specify an approximate average, for example 120 at medium intensity.

Age: years
Weight: kilograms
Time: minutes
Heart rate: beats per minute
Energy consumption: kilocalories

The formulas for the calculation are:
Men: [(age * 0,074) - (weight * 0,05741) + (heart rate * 0,4472) - 20,4022] * time / 4,184
Women: [(age * 0,2017) - (weight * 0,09036) + (heart rate * 0,6309) - 55,0969] * time / 4,184
Age in years, weight in kilograms, time in minutes. This calculation is only an estimation.
Source: Techniker Krankenkasse

Example: a 50 years old man weighing 86 kilograms who rides a bicycle for one hour (60 minutes) with a pulse rate of 120 consumes almost 330 kilocalories.

Calculator for Walking, Running, Swimming, Cycling, Driving.

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