
Run Time Comparison

Calculator for comparing two run (race) times, distances and speeds. Enter of two runs the distance and time of each and choose the unit. The speeds will be calculated and the ratios of both distances, times and speeds will be displayed.

Run ARun B
Distance A: Distance B:
Time A:h, m, s Time B:h, m, s
Speed A: Speed B:
The distance A was ... times as far as the distance B.
The time A was ... times as long as the time B.
The speed A was ... times as fast as the speed B.
The distance B was ... times as far as the distance A.
The time B was ... times as long as the time A.
The speed B was ... times as fast as the speed A.

Of course, the average speed of a long-distance run is lower than that of a short-distance run. So you can compare the speeds of a marathon (42.195 km) and of a 100-meter dash, but you should be careful with the interpretation of the ratio. The marathon distance is 421.95 times as long, the time ratio should be considerably higher than this value.

Calculator for Walking, Running, Swimming, Cycling, Driving.

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