
Physical quantities: Force | Work | Power | Pressure | Density | Velocity | Acceleration | Momentum | Torque | Intensity | Exergy
Electromagnetism: Electric Power | Resistance | Charge | Capacitance | Magnetic Flux | Flux Density | Field Strength | Inductance
Application: Lever | Gravitational Acceleration | Throw Distance | Concentration | Electromagnet

Electric Resistance Calculator

Calculate the electrical resistance in ohms from voltage in volts and amperage in amperes. The electrical conductance in siemens, which is the counterpart to the resistance, is also calculated.

The formulas are:
R = U / I
G = I / U
G = 1 / R

The units are:
1Ω = 1V / 1A
1S = 1A / 1V

Please enter two values, but not resistance and conductance together. The other values will be calculated.

Voltage U:
Amperage I:
Resistance R:
Conductance G:

Example: at a voltage of 10 mV and a current of 2 A, the amperage is 5 mΩ and the corresponding conductance is 200 siemens.

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