
Physical quantities: Force | Work | Power | Pressure | Density | Velocity | Acceleration | Momentum | Torque | Intensity | Exergy
Electromagnetism: Electric Power | Resistance | Charge | Capacitance | Magnetic Flux | Flux Density | Field Strength | Inductance
Application: Lever | Gravitational Acceleration | Throw Distance | Concentration | Electromagnet

Gravitational Acceleration Calculator

Calculate the gravitational acceleration from mass and force, with different units. The gravitational acceleration tells, how much a falling body in a vacuum accelerates, which is independant of its mass. This is equivalent with the weight a certain mass has in a gravitation field. The average gravitational acceleration on Earth is 1 g, this is 9.80665 meters per square second or newtons per kilogram. At the poles, this value is with 9.832 m/s² slightly higher, at the equator, it is with 9.780 m/s² slightly lower.

Mass M:
Gravitational acceleration a:
Force F:

Example: a mass of 12 kilograms on Earth weights about 117.68 newtons.

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