
Physical quantities: Force | Work | Power | Pressure | Density | Velocity | Acceleration | Momentum | Torque | Intensity | Exergy
Electromagnetism: Electric Power | Resistance | Charge | Capacitance | Magnetic Flux | Flux Density | Field Strength | Inductance
Application: Lever | Gravitational Acceleration | Throw Distance | Concentration | Electromagnet

Magnetic Flux Calculator

Calculation of the magnetic flux in webers from voltage in volts and time or from flux density in teslas and area. The magnetic flux describes the strength of a magnetic field. The formula is Φ = U * t = B * A. The unit Weber or volt-second is calculated as 1Wb = 1V * 1s = 1T * 1m².

Voltage U:

Time t:

Flux density B:
Area A:

Magnetic flux Φ:

Example: a neodymium magnet with a flux density of 1.2 teslas and an area of 2 square centimeters has a flux of 240 microwebers.

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