
Physical quantities: Force | Work | Power | Pressure | Density | Velocity | Acceleration | Momentum | Torque | Intensity | Exergy
Electromagnetism: Electric Power | Resistance | Charge | Capacitance | Magnetic Flux | Flux Density | Field Strength | Inductance
Application: Lever | Gravitational Acceleration | Throw Distance | Concentration | Electromagnet

Acceleration Calculator

Calculate the acceleration from velocity and time, with different units. The acceleration is e.g. needed to determine the force which acts on a mass. A mass, on which no physical force acts, is at rest or in a constant movement.
The formula for the acceleration is a=v/t, the unit is m/s². The velocity v means the increase in speed in the time t. g is the average gravitational acceleration on Earth.

Velocity v:
Time t:
Acceleration a:

Example: a car, which accelerates in 8 seconds from zero to 100 km/h, has an acceleration of about 3.5 m/s².

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