Calculate the Fall Velocity with Air Resistance (e.g. Parachute)
Calculator for fall velocity or end velocity in air and for mass, area and air resistance (drag coefficient), e.g. for parachuting. Required is enough time to reach the velocity by accelerating or braking and the endurance of the material to stand the stress. This is a calculator for falling objects in air, of which the measures and the air resistance are known. Parachuting is just the most common example. The projected area ist the vertical projection of an object to a flat plain. For a hemisphere shaped parachute, this is a circle with about 80 m² area, depending on the parachute size. A human with stretched arms and legs has a projected area of about 1 m². The flat side of a hemisphere has a drag coefficient of 1.35, a human of about 0.3. The air density changes with temperature and height. Please enter five values, the sixth will be calculated.
The formula for the fall velocity or end velocity is v² = 2 m g / ( ρ A cw )
Example: a skydiver weighs 100 kilograms, including clothing, equipment and parachute. If the values are as above, he will reach a final speed of around 14 kilometers per hour. Without a parachute, the final speed would be an unhealthy 263 kilometers per hour if you subtract the two kilograms for the parachute from the mass.
The higher up you are, the lower the air density. However, the air near the ground, i.e. the height of the landing point above sea level, is what counts. At an altitude of 5500 meters, the air density is only about half as high, so at this altitude you can reach a speed of around 20 kilometers per hour with the values from the example. The jumper without a parachute reaches 372 kilometers per hour here.
German: g-Beschleunigung