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Calculator for the CO2 Emissions of Combustion

The carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels can be calculated here. The emission for a certain value can be determined in kilograms, liters or kilowatt hours, or how much is burned for a certain emission.

Mass in kilograms
Lignite: kg kgCO2
Black coal: kg kgCO2
Petrol: kg kgCO2
Diesel: kg kgCO2
Heating oil: kg kgCO2
Autogas: kg kgCO2
Natural gas: kg kgCO2

Volume in liters
Petrol: l kgCO2
Diesel: l kgCO2
Heating oil: l kgCO2
Autogas: l kgCO2

Energy in kilowatt hours *
Lignite: kWh kgCO2
Black coal: kWh kgCO2
Petrol: kWh kgCO2
Diesel: kWh kgCO2
Heating oil: kWh kgCO2
Autogas: kWh kgCO2
Natural gas: kWh kgCO2

* The efficiency of the power plant or motor must be taken into account when determining the output per kilowatt hour. In modern coal-fired power plants, this is about 45%, so more than half of the energy is lost.

Please enter one value, the amount of fuel in kilograms, liters or kilowatt hours or the amount of CO2 emitted in kilograms. The other value is calculated by pressing the corresponding ↔ key. The calculated values ​​are average values.

Example: Burning one kilogram of lignite produces about one kilogram of carbon dioxide, while burning one kilogram of natural gas produces 2.79 kilograms of carbon dioxide. However, if you calculate the generation per energy generated, 380 grams of CO2 are released for one kilowatt hour from lignite and 200 grams for one kilowatt hour of natural gas. The reason for this is that lignite contains a very high proportion of water, which does not burn.

The mass of CO2 produced is usually greater than the mass of the starting material. The reason for this is that a carbon atom reacts with two oxygen atoms from the air (oxidation). And an oxygen atom is about one third heavier than a carbon atom.

For renewable energies such as photovoltaics, hydroelectric power and wind power, the CO2 production during operation is zero, as is the case with the combustion of hydrogen.

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas took around 200 million years to form. Humanity needs about 200 years to consume them. So this approach is wrong and irresponsible by a factor of about one million.

Here you can convert metric units into customary and imperial units.

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