
Calculate Precipitation Quantity

This precipitation calculator converts the height or amount of precipitation in a specific time span to another time span and height. Precipitation is usually given as height per time, e.g. 10 millimeters per day. The water would accumulate at this height if it did not run off. The often used specification of liters per square meter, l/m², corresponds exactly to the specification of millimetres. Precipitation is primarily rain and snow, but also hail and sleet and even dew, with the latter rarely being given the height. It's mostly about the amount of rain.

Measured value
Extrapolated value

Please enter both values for measured value and one value for extrapolated value. If a different duration is entered for the extrapolated value, then the amount of precipitation is calculated if precipitation occurs with exactly the same intensity and duration. In practice, of course, the intensity varies.
It is also possible to enter an indication for the first height and to change one of the two height units in order to convert the height indication.

Physics commonly uses SI units. Here is a calculator to convert lengths, temperature, pressure, speed and other units.

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