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Age Difference Calculator

Calculates the age difference in years, months and days from the birth dates of two persons. The age difference isn't an exact value, because the months have different lengths and also the length of a year varies, depending on whether it is a leap year or not. But as a practical and plausible value, which shouldn't specify a totally accurate time span, it is useful for intelligible statements. The length of a month here is calculated with the rounded value of 30 days. The names of the persons can be entered.

Date of birth :

. .

Date of birth :

. .

Person 1 is x years, y months and z days older / younger than Person 2.

Example: Person 1 was born on September 27, 1975, and Person 2 on February 3, 2001. Then Person 1 is 25 years, 4 months and 6 days older than Person 2.

This calculator can of course also be used to compare all possible ages; its use is not limited to the age difference based on the birthdays of people or animals. For example, you can also calculate the beginning and end of a past period of time, such as the beginning and end of a school or training period. Another possible application is to determine how long a technical device was functional before it broke or was replaced. You are also not limited to the past; you can just as easily enter dates in the future and calculate with them to get an estimate of expected values.

For the question of how many times older or younger a person is than another person, see the age comparison calculator. For precise time calculations that do not use months because of their different lengths and take leap years into account, see the past time calculator.

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