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Span of Years

Calculator for the span of years from a certain year date. The span will be calculated from the start year, here the current year is preset. Year and span can be changed at will. The year in the past and the year in the future with this span will be calculated. Past and future refer to the start year.

Start year:

Span: years

Past: 2 years ago was the year 2023.

Future: In 2 years will be the year 2027.

Please enter at start year and at span integer numbers larger than 0. BCE means before common era, so this calculator also works with years far in the past. There was no year zero in the most common calendar, which is used here.

Examples: if you choose 1972 as the starting year, then 47 years earlier was 1925. The same period later was 2019. The latter date is shown as the future, since the starting year is interpreted as the present. 2500 years before the year 2024 was the year 477 BCE, in the classical era of ancient Greece.

The length of a year is not entirely clear, since there are leap years with 366 days and normal years with 365 days. If you want to convert a larger number of years into an exakt time span, then it is best to use 365.2421875 days, or 31556925 seconds, as the length of an average year. Even then, you will probably still have a tiny error. To avoid this you have to determine how many normal years and how many leap years are in this time period. The exact conversion becomes even more difficult if you want to calculate over calendar reforms, such as the change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar starting in 1582. In this change, 13 days were skipped.

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