
Calculate Refraction


A simple calculator for the angle of incidence, angle of refraction and the refractive index and for the speed of light in a medium. Light is refracted, if a light beam goes from one transparent medium into another without being reflected. If the light beam doesn't hit the border perpendicularly, then at this border the angle changes. The refractive index for water is 1.33, for window glass it is 1.46. The refractive index also tells about the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum and in a medium.
Please enter two values per calculator, the third value will be calculated.

Angle of incidence α: °
Angle of refraction β: °
Refractive index n:

Decimal places:

Speed of light in vacuum, c0: km/s
Speed of light in medium, c1: km/s
Refractive index n:

Decimal places:

n = sin(α) / sin(β)
n = c0 / c1

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