
Digit Sum | Digit Sum below Value | Base-k Digit Sum | Weighted Digit Sum | Digit Product | Triangular Number

Calculate Digit Product and Multiplicative Digital Root

The digit product is the product (multiplication) of the ciphers of a number. To calculate, just type or paste any text with numbers into the field and press Calculate digit product. Characters, which aren't numbers, are counted, but ignored for the digit product and root. For the multiplicative digital root, the digit product is executed until the result is one-digit. The number of steps for this is called multiplicative persistence.

Digit product:

Multiplicative digital root: Multiplicative persistence:

Amount of digits: Amount of characters:

Example: the digit product of 1234 = 1*2*3*4 = 24

Like the digit sum, digit product and multiplicative digital root can be used as check values, but are less common. For many digits, they often become 0, because only one 0 is needed to cause this. If without 0 is selected, the Zero as digit is ignored.


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