
Wind Turbine: Power | Nominal Power | Yield | Annual Yield | Rotation | Magnitude | Distance | Repowering

Wind Turbines Repowering

Calculator for the replacement of old wind turbines with new ones. Wind turbines have moving parts and these are subject to wear. After some time, usually 2 to 3 decades, it may be worthwhile or even necessary to replace them with new models. And since technology is expected to improve during this time, you can expect more performance from the same area. The number of wind turbines often decreases with repowering, but the height increases.
This is a simple calculator to compare the performance of the old wind turbines to the new ones. Costs and income are not taken into account here. Please enter two of the three values for each system.

Old wind power plant
Number of wind turbines:
Nominal power per turbine:
Total power:
New wind power plant
Number of wind turbines:
Nominal power per turbine:
Total power:
Comparison new and old plant
Power ratio: %
Power increase: %

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