
Convert Volume Percent and Mass Percent

Calculator for the conversion of volume percent (volume fraction) and mass percent (mass fraction) from the densities of the mixed substances. You can choose the substances from the list or enter the densities directly. Then, enter a percentage value, or two mass values, or two volume values and click Calculate. The masses are given in grams, the volumes in milliliters, the density in grams per liter.

Substance 1: Substance 2:
Density 1: Density 2:
Mass 1: Mass 2:
Volume 1: Volume 2:
% mass 1: % mass 2:
% vol. 1: % vol. 2:
Total mass: grams
Total volume: milliliters


Example: a bottle with 700 ml of a drink with 20% vol. alcohol contains about 16.5 mass percent alcohol, or 110 grams, assuming that the rest has about the density of water. In this case, enter 700 at 'Total volume' and 20 at '% vol. 1'.
