
Staircase | Handrail | Steps | Spiral Staircase

Calculate the Measurements of a Staircase

Calculator for the measurements, number of steps, step size, slope ratio and angle of slope of a straight staircase (or ladder). The angle is in degrees, the slope ratio is a number, all the other values are in cm. Here you can convert length units. Please enter one of these combinations* of values:

a) - height of the staircase or of one step
- depth of the staircase or of one step
- the number of steps
      b) - length, height or depth of the staircase
- number, height or depth of one step
- slope ratio

Length of the staircase L:
Height of the staircase H:
Depth of the staircase D:
Number of steps n:
Height of one step h:
Depth of one step d:
Slope ratio S: 1 :

Angle of slope α:


Step length:
d+2h, good between 60 and 65 cm
d+h, good between 45 and 47 cm
and 26 ≤ d ≤ 32, 14 ≤ h ≤ 20
d-h, ideal at 12 cm


L=√ H² + T²
S = 1 : T/H
α = arccos( (T² + L² - H²) / (2TL) )

Up to 20 °: perron
20 - 30 °: public staircase
30 - 40 °: indoor staircase
40 - 45 °: basement stairs
45 - 75 °: steep stairs
Above 75 °: ladder

* allowed combinations: (H, D, n), (h, d, n), (H, d, n), (h, D, n), (L, n, S), (L, h, S), (L, d, S), (H, n, S), (H, h, S), (H, d, S), (D, n, S), (D, h, S), (D, d, S)
Sketch of the calculated staircase:
Sketch staircase

If there are 50 or fewer steps and a gradient ratio between 0.5 and 2, a sketch of the stairs is made. Please enter three values ​​from one of the above combinations to calculate the other values ​​and the key figures. Example calculates the stairs from the above drawing, which deliberately does not have ideal dimensions, so that you can experiment a bit and improve them. The checkboxes behind each input field can be selected (), then their values ​​are not deleted when you press the X.

This calculator is intended to be helpful when planning and classifying the dimensions of a staircase. Stairs are potential sources of danger, so safety aspects must be given special consideration here in order to avoid accidents as far as possible and to limit the risk of injury. For uncovered outdoor stairs, the weather and its effects must be taken into account. Staircase construction is often planned by architects and carried out by the construction company concerned, who should also have knowledge of the applicable building regulations.

A staircase has several steps and in very many cases a handrail . Some stairs are straight, others have one or more curves. The spiral staircase is a special case, which turns in a spiral shape upwards or downwards.

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German: Maße einer Treppe berechnen | Italiano: Calcolatore scala

See also Slope Calculator, Roof Calculator
