
Multiply Temperatures | Temperature Ratio | Weather and Climate | Global Warming by CO₂

Calculator: Multiply Temperatures

Calculator for the correct multiplication of a temperature, taking into account the real zero. The common belief, that twice 10°C (or °F) equals 20°C (or °F), is wrong. To correctly multiply values, they must be at an ratio scale, which means they must have an absolute zero. Degrees Celsius (centigrade) and degrees Fahrenheit don't have this, so the value must at first be converted into kelvin, then multiplied and then converted back. This is what that calculator does.
This applies to a temperature indication. At a temperature difference, on the other hand, degrees Celsius and Kelvin are equal, twice a difference of 10°C is really a difference of 20°C.







Enter any value in °Celsius, Kelvin or °Fahrenheit, select if you want to multiply (*), divide (/) or do a percentage calculation (%), specify the factor and click Calculate. It will be rounded to two decimal places.

Example: If it is 5°C in the morning and 15°C in the afternoon, then it has become 10°C warmer, but not three times as warm.

One example for division with temperatures is the calculation of the Carnot efficiency.

Temperature is the disordered movement of particles such as atoms and molecules. This takes place on a small scale and very quickly, so that it cannot be seen directly. The particles "wiggle" back and forth in every direction with no visible regularity. The higher the temperature, the warmer, the faster. At absolute zero, i.e. at zero Kelvin, the movement would come to a standstill, i.e. it would also be zero. Therefore, zero Kelvin is an absolute zero as opposed to zero degrees on any other scale. According to the third law of thermodynamics, zero Kelvin is practically unattainable. However, very low temperatures just above it are.

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German: Temperaturen multiplizieren | Temperaturverhältnis | Wetter und Klima | Erderwärmung durch CO₂
