
Convert Mass and Energy

Calculator for the Einstein energy, the energy, in which mass can be converted with the formula e=mc².

In theory, a small mass can be converted into a huge amount of energy. The total conversion of mass to energy occurs at the reaction of matter and antimatter. However, almost no antimatter exists. The process in nature, which delivers the most energy, is the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium in the core of stars. Thereby, about 0.8 percent of the mass are converted into energy.
Three values must be given to calculate the fourth value.

Mass m:
Speed of light c:m/s
Energy e:

One joule is one kilogramm times one square meter divided by one square second, J=kg*m²/s². The energy can be calculated in several different units. These are joule, kilojoule, megajoule, gigajoule and terajoule. Further units are watt-hours (1 Wh = 3600 J) and the units derived from that, kilowatt-hours, megawatt-hours and gigawatt-hours. For explosions, often the TNT equivalent is used, the energy released at an explosion of a certain amount of TNT. This amount is given in kilograms, metric tons, kilotons or megatons. One kilogram TNT releases 4.184 megajoules of energy.

Example: one gram of matter, totally converted into energy, would release the energy of 21.5 kilotons of TNT, as much as a small atomic bomb.

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