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Calculator for Rounding Values
For Input values, please enter one or more numbers separated by spaces, maximum 100 numbers. Then enter the number of decimal places. Decimal separator can be , or . be. A negative number of decimal places rounds before the decimal point, e.g. -3 to 1000.
Rounding means changing a value to an approximate value with a certain number of decimal places. This number can also be zero. It is often rounded to two decimal places, such as with prices where something can cost 3.75 and there would be no corresponding coins to pay the amount with more decimal places. Rounding is also necessary for physical measurements, where the number of decimal places indicates the accuracy of the measurement. There are several methods for rounding, the most common being commercial rounding, rounding up and rounding down. Additional rounding methods can be found in the menu on this page.
Commercial Rounding or simply rounding is what you are used to. If the first decimal place to be dropped is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then it is rounded down. So 1.4 becomes 1. If the first decimal place to be dropped is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then it is rounded up. So 1.5 becomes 2.
Rounding up means that the digits are cut off at a certain point and the last digit that was not cut off is increased by 1. So 1.1 becomes 2, 99.1 becomes 100.
Rounding down means that the digits are cut off at a certain point and the last digit that is not cut off remains the same. So 1.9 becomes 1.
Rounding with 5 is used, for example, in Switzerland and Finland, where the smallest coin is 5 rappen or cents. It is also called a rappen rounding after the small Swiss coin (with one decimal place). In everyday use, rounding down with 5 is more common in order not to artificially increase prices.
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This page in German: Runden