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Prime Factor Calculation

Here the prime factors of a positive integer can be calculated (factorization). Prime factors are those prime numbers by which a given number can be divided. Prime numbers only can be divided by 1 and itself without a remainder. Enter a number with no more than 13 digits (trillions) and click on Calculate. The calculation of high numbers (more than 7 digits) can take a while.

Positive Integer:


Knowing the prime factors of numbers makes it easier to divide two numbers and to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) and the least common multiple (LCM). In a frequently used metaphor, prime numbers are referred to as the atoms of mathematics. All natural numbers can be formed from the multiplication of prime numbers, which then represent the molecules according to this image. Prime numbers and prime factors play a major role in number theory, which deals with the properties of numbers.

Prime factorization is one factorization; there are other factorizations in mathematics, for example of polynomials. The simplest algorithm for factoring natural numbers starts with 2. If the chosen number is divisible by 2, then 2 is one prime factor, it is divided by 2 and continued with the same number until the remaining value is no longer divisible by 2. Then you continue in the same way with 3 and so on with the following prime numbers (or the following natural numbers; no prime numbers simply do not produce any results). As soon as the remaining value is 1, the process stops. For very large numbers, this method is extremely computationally intensive. There are other methods, but none of them are efficient. This makes factoring very large numbers so difficult, which is why they are used in cryptography.

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German: Primfaktorzerlegung
