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Calculator for the Planck Mass
Conversion of different units of mass to the Planck mass.
The Planck mass mP is 2.176434*10-8 kilograms. That is about one fifty-thousandth of a gram and, in contrast to the Planck length and Planck time, is within the range that is accessible and measurable to us. But it is anything but easy to explain.
The Planck mass is the mass of the hypothetical Planck particle. This is a tiny black hole whose Compton wavelength is equal to the Schwarzschild radius. The surface of this particle is the Planck area, which is the Planck length squared. The Planck mass is the largest mass that a particle with a Planck surface can have.
Please enter a value and select a unit of mass. It will be calculated how many Planck masses correspond to this input. ^ means to the power of.
Example: 10 micrograms, a good value for particulate matter per cubic meter of air, is a little less than half a Planck mass.
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