Everyday Physics | Stone in Well | Lightning and Thunder | Echo | Light | Distance per Time | Distance at Speed | Work | Slide | Rotation | Pendulum | Radiation Dose | Acceleration | Gravity | Kilograms - Newtons | Kilograms - Liters | Add Forces | Intercept Theorem | Energy | Ohm's Law | Friction | Frequency | Conservation of Momentum | Pirouette Effect | Air Pressure - Altitude | Extrapolate Distance, Time | Measurement Error
Calculate Distance, Time or Speed
Example: the villain with the parachute jumps out of the crashing plane, which is flying at 400 km/h. The hero without a parachute follows 5 seconds later. The plane has now flown 556 meters, so it should be difficult for the hero to catch the villain in the air.
Physics commonly uses SI units. Here is a calculator to convert units.
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