
Number List | Count

Number List Generator

Here you can generate a number list with any start and end value and step, which you can copy and use as you like. Negative values are also allowed. After each number, you can put certain characters (a point often makes sense) and choose, if the numbers shall be separated by space, break or not at all. When having more than 1000 steps, a warning will appear, that the list may take a while.

Count from to , step

After each number will appaer (e.g. a .), after that

Decimal separator . (point) or , (comma)

Total steps:

↑ top ↑

Round at six decimal places. Leave this checked to avoid computer characteristic calculation errors that can occur when working with decimal fractions. To demonstrate these errors, uncheck and enter 1.1 at step. The list that then appears is very weird.
This error is due to the fact that we generally calculate with decimal numbers, and this calculator does the same. However, the computer calculates internally with binary numbers, i.e. with 0 and 1. Now a decimal number with decimal places cannot always be converted exactly into a binary number with a limited number of decimal places, sometimes a small error occurs. If the same calculation is done many times in a row, as here, where the same amount is added over and over again, then such an error can accumulate and become visible at some point. Without this checkbox, the calculation is rounded to fourteen decimal places and the error quickly occurs. However, in theory, an extremely high number of steps would be needed to reach the sixth decimal place, which is not practical to implement. And rounding to six decimal places should provide sufficient accuracy for most number lists.
