
Calculate the Weight on the Moon

Calculator for the weight of a person or thing on the moon and on other celestial bodies. The moon has a lower gravitational pull than the earth, which is why everything weighs less there. In colloquial terms, weight is usually given in kilograms (kg), which is physically incorrect, but we are used to it. The correct unit for weight would be Newton (N), because kilograms are the unit for mass, and this does not change due to a different environment. However, you can specify a mass equivalent, i.e. how many kilograms something on the moon appears to have when you use the scale of the earth. This value is more descriptive and generally understandable.
There are several ways to use the calculator. You can select a celestial body from Moon, Venus or Mars, or specify the mass and radius of another planet or moon. Or you can specify the acceleration due to gravity or the gravitational pull compared to the earth in percent. Then specify the mass of the object, i.e. the person or thing. For calculation, see .

Mass m:*10^ kg
Radius r:
Gravitational acceleration g: m/s², N/kg
Gravitational pull: % Erde

Object mass: kg
Weight: N
Mass equivalent: kg

Example: a person with a mass of 70 kilograms has a weight of about 114 Newtons on the moon. It therefore appears as if he has a mass of slightly less than 12 kilograms compared to the earth. The real mass of 70 kilograms has not changed.

The celestial bodies that can be selected here all have a smaller gravitational pull than the Earth. Those in our solar system that have a larger gravitational pull, gas planets like Jupiter or the Sun, are not suitable for standing on because they lack a solid surface. However, there are exoplanets with a solid surface and a greater gravitational pull than the Earth. If you want to calculate with such planets, please enter their mass and radius directly.

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German: g-Beschleunigung
