Calculate Rhomboid Field
Calculator for the perimeter and size of a rhomboid or oblique field, with different units. A rhomboid is also knwon as parallelogram. It emerges from a rectangle, which is distorted at one corner. Its area is the product of both side lengths and the sine of the pointed angle. Please enter the pointed angle in degrees (°) or as radiant (rad). Enter two further values and choose the units. The other two values will be calculated.
Units of measurement: cm=centimeter, dm=decimeter, m=meter, km=kilometer, in=inch, ft=foot, yd=yard, mi=mile, ²,sq=square, a=are, ha=hectare, ac=acre
Calculate a Rhomboid or Parallelogram from Perimeter and Area
If perimeter p, area A and pointed angle α are given, then the side lengts a and b can be calculated as
A rhomboid field.
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