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Photos Resolution and Ratio Conversion
A calculator for the size of photos made with a digital camera. Here can be calculated, how the number of pixels changes, when the image is scaled or when the ratio of width and height is changed. At a change of ratio, either a part of the photo is cut off or the image will get distorted.
• To change the resolution, enter the size of a photo in pixels and one of the other three values, to calculate the remaining two values.
• For a ratio change, choose if width or height should be kept and click on one of the ratios 4:3, 3:2, or 16:9.
Example: a foto has a resolution of 6000 x 4000 pixels. If its new width should be 1200, then the height will be 800, the scale is 20%. Clicking New → Old will fill the upper row with the new resolution. If this image now should be converted to a 4:3-ratio with the same height, it has to be cut to 1067 x 800.
The film format is the ratio of the length and width of the image. Both dimensions are actually given in a unit of length such as centimeters. However, you can just as well calculate in pixels if each pixel has the same width and height, i.e. is square. The unit of length is canceled out of the ratio, so that the format is a dimensionless number. This number is usually represented as x:y. If x and y are the same, then the image is square, otherwise it is rectangular. If x is larger than y, then it is landscape format, if y is larger than x, then it is portrait format. The further apart the two values are from each other, the more the format deviates from square, i.e. it appears very long or tall. The three formats available, 4:3, 3:2 and 16:9, are common standard formats.
German: Fotografische Belichtung berechnen, Exif-Daten auslesen, Bildformat, Bildverhältnis, Bilddiagonale© Webprojects | Online Calculators | Imprint & Privacy