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Exif Viewer

Quick access to the most important exif data of a local photo file, no upload necessary. You will see camera model, creation date and time, last changed date and time, focal length, exposure time, F-number, ISO, flash and program. If available, the GPS values coordinates, height and direction will be shown, coordinates linked to Google maps. Choose a photo file from your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or other device.

Exif data are metadata in photos, which are stored in the photo file. They contain informations about camera settings and shooting conditions. Those data can be changed or deleted with many common image software programs. Deleted or not available exif data are here shown as "undefined".
The exif data are not transmitted to the server and therefore can't be seen by the site operator.

Exif-Script Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, MIT License

German: Fotografische Belichtung berechnen, Exif-Daten auslesen, Bildformat, Bildverhältnis, Bilddiagonale

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