
Energy to Heat Calculator

Calculate the energy needed to warm something up, or the energy emitted when something is cooling. Heat is thermal energy. The conversion from temperature to energy is made via amount and heat capacity of a substance. Heating and cooling can be used as short term energy storage.
The preset heat capacity is that of water. The mass is in kilograms, the temperature difference is in degrees Celsius or Kelvin, in that case this is the same. As efficiency factor, 50 percent is preset, this is an arbitrary value. Depending on the method, the efficiency factor can differ strongly.

Energy to Heat

It will be calculated, which temperatute a substance with a certain mass will get warmer, if thermal energy is added.
The formula is Δϑ = Q * η / ( c * m )

Induced thermal energy Q:
Efficiency factor η: %
Specific heat capacity c: J/(kg*K)
Mass m: kg
Temperature difference Δϑ: °C, K

Round to    decimal places.

Heat to Energy

It will be calculated, which thermal energy is set free, if a substance with a with a certain mass cools down.
The formula is Q = c * m * Δϑ * η

Temperature difference Δϑ: °C, K
Efficiency factor η: %
Specific heat capacity c: J/(kg*K)
Mass m: kg
Emitted thermal energy Q:

Round to    decimal places.

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