Energy Calculators
Different calculations for the production, storage and conversion of energy can be performed here. Oversimplified, energy is needed to move things. The international standard unit for energy is joule. When dealing with electricity, the energy often is given in watt-hours (Wh). One joule is one watt-second and as one hour has 3600 seconds, one watt-hour equals 3600 joules. An obsolete unit, which commonly is only still used for the heating value of food, is the calorie. One calorie is 4.1876 joules.
Energy is one of the most important physical quantities, along with mass. The universe consists of both things. To put it simply, mass is what is and energy is what happens. Whenever something is set in motion or changes its direction of movement, energy is transferred. A change in temperature is ultimately a change in movement, because temperature is a disordered movement of molecules and atoms. Energy can be stored, chemically in molecules, as potential energy when you pick something up and as nuclear energy in the atoms. The first two types are common and widely used in everyday life; nuclear energy is more difficult to handle.
The different forms of energy can be converted into one another and mass can also be converted into energy and vice versa. However, there are major physical hurdles for the latter.
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