Calculate the Volume
Calculator for the volume from length, width and height. For every size, a specific unit can be determined. If one length unit is chosen, then for length, width and height the same unit is used. With matching units, additionally a matching volume unit is chosen, e.g. decimeter and liter.

The calculation of a cuboid-shaped space from length times width times height.
Example: a room with a length of 450 centimeters, a width of 3 meters and a height of 25 decimeters has a volume of 33750 liters.
The calculation of volume as length times width times height refers to a body in the shape of a cuboid. Other bodies of course also have volumes, but these are more difficult or even impossible to calculate. An example of this is the volume of a sphere, which can be calculated as four thirds times the number pi times the radius of the sphere squared.
The volume of more complicated or misshapen bodies can be determined empirically, i.e. by measurement. This uses the property of displacement, which Archimedes of Syracuse discovered in the third century BC. If you put such an object in a (preferably cuboid-shaped) vessel of water, the water level rises and you only have to measure the increased volume. This corresponds to the volume of the submerged body, which has displaced the water. Today this is known as Archimedes' principle. Objects that are lighter than water have to be kept under water somehow so that they do not float on top.
German: Dimension | Vielfacher Inhalt | Verhältnis | Diagonalen | Flächeninhalt | Rauminhalt | Schneiden | Stapel | Gitter | Anordnung | Rand | Innen-Außen | Lagerung | Ausbreitung | Stufenpyramide