
Calculate Multiple Area and Volume

Calculator for the lengths at a multiplication of area or volume and vice versa. If an area is doubled (factor=2), then its edge length multiplies by square root of two, at a triplication, it multiplies by square root of three. If a volume is doubled, then its edge length multiplies by third root of two, at a triplication, it multiplies by third root of three. And so on. This is not only for the lengths of straight objects like square or cube, but also e.g. for the radius of circle and sphere.

l = length, d = dimension, f = factor area, volume

l = d f     f = ld     d = logl(f)

Factor area, volume:

Round to    decimal places.

Please enter two values, the third will be calculated.

The doubling of the area of a square to a square twice the area and of the volume of a cube to a cube twice the volume:
Doubling Area, Volume

The doubling of an area means the multiplication of a length by √ 2 = 1.414213562373095.
The doubling of a volume means the multiplication of a length by 3 2 = 1.259921049894873.

Example: a cylindrical glass with 8 cm diameter and 10 cm height can be filled with half a liter. To have a glass with one liter, diameter and height have to be multiplied by 32, so a glass with approximately 10 cm diameter and 12.6 cm height is needed.

German: Dimension | Vielfacher Inhalt | Verhältnis | Diagonalen | Flächeninhalt | Rauminhalt | Schneiden | Stapel | Gitter | Anordnung | Rand | Innen-Außen | Lagerung | Ausbreitung | Stufenpyramide

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